The Pond was established in 1998 by Roland and Pinky Janota. The Janotas manage the facility on their family
farm. Settlers is a no kill rescue for any type of animal in need.
I travel a seven-state radius on a regular basis, picking up abused and abandoned animals. I specialize in marsupials and exotics, but I will attempt to rescue anyone in need.
I have been privileged to study under four wonderful vets. One was a Macropod doc and the others were exotics. I also learned a great deal from a woman that we will just call Threasa the Kangaroo Specialist. For almost 20 years, I have traveled the country rescuing animals. I spent two weeks in Louisiana after Katrina, helping the animal shelters. I have been privileged to assist in many surgeries and other critical care situations, both in the field or in operating rooms. I have a Pet CPR and First Aid Certification from Pet Tech.
I also write children’s books to help fund my passion and research. I have written many books and used the animal stories I have experienced. My books can be ordered through Barnes & Noble Booksellers. Watch for my next book, “Chloe”, the Kinkajoo, now in progress.
My goal in life is to educate people that, yes exotic animals are cute and cuddly, but they do not make good pets. I want to be an education facility about animals and the farming industry. Simply put, we must preserve our farms or we will not have any food.
I have been a member of MIE, but hope for more in-depth groups with the same passion as my own. I also assist in research programs. Please understand, that I am not a breeder and do not sell animals. We do place animals for adoption, but only adopt out horses, goats, cats, and dogs will ever be placed with private parties (in homes). Only established zoos are eligible to receive any of our exotic residents.

Roland Janota, Rolly is a very rare man. He is unlike any other man I have ever met. He is the person who has made all of this possible for us and helped fulfill my dreams. He has worked at Commonwealth Edison for 37 years.
Rolly farmed with his father his entire life. He helped with financial obligations for his six brothers and sisters and put them all through college. He cared for his father and bedridden mother until their deaths in 1999 and 2005, respectively.
He is truly a man who is unique and loved by many for his endless kindness. He is totally into family, animals, trust, and tractors. Rolly has collected over 3,000 toy tractors that you can view in our museum. He also has a love for the big tractors. From Farmalls to Fords, Massey’s, and Deeres, he loves them all.
This man cries right alongside of me when we can’t save one of our critters and becomes as attached to them as quickly as I do. Rolly has a great deal of patience too. As I travel with some of my volunteers picking up animals, he holds down the home front and keeps the farmhands and handlers abreast of the new resident arrivals. He is truly my life partner.
Joyce Dennehy
In honor of Joyce Dennehy, our friend and greatest contributor, be sure to visit The New Dennehy Exhibit, home to tortoises and reptiles.